Monday, October 25, 2010

Babies & Beauty Berries!


While Jonathan was home we were able to take Grace on a walk in one of our favorite parks! :) I love the conversation and the adventures I have with my sweet husband! I treasure his time here at home with us! :) This also was a great time for me to try out the new camera. As you can see I still have a lot of adjusting to do lol! 

Grace enjoys being outside so much! I hope she takes after me and LOVES the outdoors! We could take tons of camping trips, sleep under the stars, and climb mountains! I look forward to her first pair of chacos! :)

Of course, a picture of my AMAZING husband! :) He does not really "enjoy" taking pictures, so I have to catch them at a moment's notice! :)

The infamous Beauty Berries, we ALWAYS talk about them on our walks... And I am pretty sure we have the same convo almost everytime lol! This is sadly prob one of the last time we will get to enjoy them until next spring. As you can see they are near the end of their season. :(

Grace had so much fun on our walk and loved all the butterflies and deer we were lucky to encounter! I can't wait for Jonathan's return for more family fun! :)


  1. Great shot of Jonathan! So contemplative.

  2. Thanks! He is actually harder to photograph than Grace! :) lol
